
Spreadsheet meta

Meta information are a useful tool to keep information from a cell hidden from the user. Manage the cell meta information of your online spreadsheets using the following methods.



Available methods for cell comments management.

Method Description
getMeta Get the meta information of a cell.
@param cellNames - cell names and/or ranges.

Jworksheet getMeta(cellNames?: string): Promise<{ [cellName: string]: object; }>

GET /api/:guid/:worksheetIndex/meta/:cellNames
setMeta Add meta information to the spreadsheet cells.
@param metas[].cellName - reference cell.
@param metas[].value - cell meta information. If null or ommited, remove current meta information from cell.

Jworksheet setMeta(metas: { cellName: string; value: object }[]): Promise<void>

POST /api/:guid/:worksheetIndex/meta
deleteMeta Remove meta information.
@param cellNames - cell names and/or ranges. If null or ommited, remove meta information from all cells.

Jworksheet deleteMeta(cellNames?: string | null): Promise<void>

DELETE /api/:guid/:worksheetIndex/meta/:cellNames


Read the meta information

Get all meta information from a spreadsheet

import { Client } from "@intrasheets/client";

// Create a new client
const client = new Client({
  // API Server
  baseUrl: "http://localhost:8009/api",
  // Your authentication token
  token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCJ9.eyJkb21haW4iOiJsb2NhbGhvc3Q6ODAPQSJ9.Xr2Ir2-zEc_tqV5y6i",

// Spreadsheet Guid
const guid = '79b45919-c751-4e2b-a49a-6c1286e2fc03';

// Get the spreadsheet instance
const spreadsheet = client.getSpreadsheet(guid);

// Get Jworksheet object
const worksheet = spreadsheet.getWorksheet(0);

// Get all meta information
worksheet.getMeta().then((metas) => {

Get the meta information from a cell

import { Client } from "@intrasheets/client";

// Create a new client
const client = new Client({
  // API Server
  baseUrl: "http://localhost:8009/api",
  // Your authentication token
  token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCJ9.eyJkb21haW4iOiJsb2NhbGhvc3Q6ODAPQSJ9.Xr2Ir2-zEc_tqV5y6i",

// Spreadsheet Guid
const guid = '79b45919-c751-4e2b-a49a-6c1286e2fc03';

// Get the spreadsheet instance
const spreadsheet = client.getSpreadsheet(guid);

// Get Jworksheet object
const worksheet = spreadsheet.getWorksheet(0);

// Get the meta information
  .getMeta("A1") // A1,A2,A3 or A1:A3 for multiple cells
  .then((metas) => {

Add meta information

Meta information are hidden information related to the cells in your spreadsheet.

import { Client } from "@intrasheets/client";

// Create a new client
const client = new Client({
  // API Server
  baseUrl: "http://localhost:8009/api",
  // Your authentication token
  token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCJ9.eyJkb21haW4iOiJsb2NhbGhvc3Q6ODAPQSJ9.Xr2Ir2-zEc_tqV5y6i",

// Spreadsheet Guid
const guid = '79b45919-c751-4e2b-a49a-6c1286e2fc03';

// Get the spreadsheet instance
const spreadsheet = client.getSpreadsheet(guid);

// Get Jworksheet object
const worksheet = spreadsheet.getWorksheet(0);

// New meta information
const meta = [
    cellName: "B2",
    value: {
      key: "value",
    cellName: "D4",
    value: {
      key2: "value 2",

// Update meta information
  .then(() => {
    // It worked correctly
  .catch((err) => {

Reset the meta information

The following code will reset the meta information of the whole table.

import { Client } from "@intrasheets/client";

// Create a new client
const client = new Client({
  // API Server
  baseUrl: "http://localhost:8009/api",
  // Your authentication token
  token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCJ9.eyJkb21haW4iOiJsb2NhbGhvc3Q6ODAPQSJ9.Xr2Ir2-zEc_tqV5y6i",

// Spreadsheet Guid
const guid = '79b45919-c751-4e2b-a49a-6c1286e2fc03';

// Get the spreadsheet instance
const spreadsheet = client.getSpreadsheet(guid);

// Get Jworksheet object
const worksheet = spreadsheet.getWorksheet(0);

// Reset
  .then(() => {
    // It worked correctly
  .catch((err) => {
    // Something went wrong