

Intrasheets Server provides an abstract layer for data persistence through event-based methods. Developers can use the create, load, change, destroy, and replace events to connect to any database, manage data storage, add version control, and handle high-demand queues, ensuring complete control over data management.


Those are the available events for data persistence.

Method Description
load Loads the spreadsheet configuration by its GUID.
create Creates a new spreadsheet with the provided configuration.
change Updates the spreadsheet configuration with new data.
destroy Deletes the spreadsheet and its configuration.
replace Replaces the existing spreadsheet configuration, typically used during snapshot recovery.


Persistence with Redis

A basic data persistence implementation using Redis without any access restrictions.

const server = require('@jspreadsheet/server');
const { createClient } = require("redis");

const client = createClient({
    socket: {
        host: 'redis',
        port: 6379

// Connect to the server

// Jspreadsheet license
const license = {
    clientId: '356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab',

    port: 3000,
    // server configuration
    config: {
        cors: {
            origin: "*"
    error: async function(e) {
        // Kill the thread
    beforeConnect: async function(query) {
        return true;
    load: async function(guid) {
        return await client.get(guid);
    create: async function(guid, config) {
        const result = await client.exists(guid);

        if (result) {
            // A spreadsheet already exists
            return false;
        } else {
            // Create a new spreadsheet
            await client.set(guid, config);

            return true;
    destroy: async function(guid) {
        return await client.del(guid)
            .then(() => true)
            .catch(() => false);
    change: async function(guid, changes) {
        // Get the configuration from the cache
        let config = changes.instance.getConfig();
        // Save that on the redis
        await client.set(guid, JSON.stringify(config));
    license: license,

Considerations about the example

This example saves the full spreadsheet for each transaction, even minor updates. To reduce I/O load, consider queuing changes and batching them periodically, minimizing write operations on your server.


Developers can implement data persistence using events, offering flexibility in technology choice. Adapters are ready-made specific database implementations that simplify setup and enable faster deployment while preserving customization options.

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