

This section covers the methods to handle the table sorting



Method Description
orderBy Sorts the rows of a worksheet based on the values in a column.
@param columnNumber - Column that will decide the new order.
@param direction - The direction of ordination. false is equivalent to ascending sorting and true is equivalent to descending sorting.

Jworksheet orderBy(columnNumber: number, direction: boolean): Promise<void>

POST /api/:guid/:worksheetIndex/order


Sorting the data in a column

import { Client } from "@intrasheets/client";

// Create a new client
const client = new Client({
  // API Server
  baseUrl: "http://localhost:8009/api",
  // Your authentication token
  token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCJ9.eyJkb21haW4iOiJsb2NhbGhvc3Q6ODAPQSJ9.Xr2Ir2-zEc_tqV5y6i",

// Spreadsheet Guid
const guid = '15eb1171-5a64-45bf-be96-f52b6125a045';

// Get the spreadsheet instance
const spreadsheet = client.getSpreadsheet(guid);

// Get Jworksheet object
const worksheet = spreadsheet.getWorksheet(0);

// Sort column
worksheet.orderBy(2, false).then(() => {
    // It worked correctly