Spreadsheet Sharing
Intrasheets offers a spreadsheet feature that allows users to share their spreadsheets by link or through an embed option. This feature provides flexible access control, enabling developers to define specific authentication rules and permissions based on ownership, privacy, invitation status or any other custom methods.
Sharing via link
With Intrasheets, developers can implement custom authentication checks to control user access to shared spreadsheets. For example, when a user requests a spreadsheet link, the server can verify ownership or confirm if the user has an invitation. Based on these settings, users can view public spreadsheets or gain access to private ones through a secure invitation link.
Inviting a new user
Intrasheets provides a built-in interface for creating user invitations. The application generates new invitation token when adding a new user. New users can be added through the interface or via the API extension if enabled.
1. Invitation Token
The invitation token is a unique hash appended to a spreadsheet URL, enabling the server to verify user permissions and manage access based on server-defined rules. For more information about that, please check more about the authentication methods.
2. Token persistence
The token is normally available within the spreadsheet object, typically structured as:
spreadsheet: {}
users: [
email: 'test@test.com',
level: 0, // 0 as reader, 1 as editor, 2 as owner
token: '27aff468'
Embed Spreadsheets
For public spreadsheets is possible to generate a snippet code for sharing a spreadsheet in any website. This code can be generated using the Intrasheets application.
adicionar um codigo de exemplo para sharing