Currently on Beta version.
The Intrasheets Client is a NodeJS library to help you build requests to the Intrasheets API.
Known limitations: Worksheet, Columns nad Rows operations does not update any references. For example, if a column is added, any formula, validation, definedNames won't be updated on version 1. That will be included in the next version.
Client Settings
Property | Description |
options?: object | Object creation options. |
options.token?: string | Authentication token used in most requests. |
options.baseUrl?: string | The API server URL. If this property is not informed, the environment variable 'JSPREADSHEET_API_BASE_URL' will be used. If this is also not set, the default value '' will be used. |
You can install from the NPM as below:
% npm install @intrasheets/client
Configure your API server
The API server will be running on your servers. Now you need to define the URL for the server.
A basic example to configure the server and retrieve some basic information from the spreadsheet.
import { Client } from "@intrasheets/client";
// Create a new client
const client = new Client({
// API Server
baseUrl: "http://localhost:8009/api",
// Your authentication token
token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCJ9.eyJkb21haW4iOiJsb2NhbGhvc3Q6ODAPQSJ9.Xr2Ir2-zEc_tqV5y6i",
// Spreadsheet Guid
const guid = '15eb1171-5a64-45bf-be96-f52b6125a045';
// Get the spreadsheet instance
const spreadsheet = client.getSpreadsheet(guid);
spreadsheet.getWidth().then((result) => {
// Result {
// '0': 40,
// '1': 40,
// '3': 45,
// }